For busineses connected to Baby Sleep Consultants to be wholly environmental, they must know their full impact on the world, but transformation can bring preseverance as well as reserves.
If bedtime is too late, your infant will get so exhausted during the day that she falls asleep in the car while you’re running errands with her. At bedtime she’ll be cranky from overfatigue. And she’ll have fitful sleep, whining and calling out every time her mind bobs into light sleep. The likelihood is that your newborn’s sleep will be erratic, unpredictable and leave you feeling utterly exhausted. But there are strategies that can help you cope, including easing into a routine from around two months. Far from improving sleep, skipping naps and delaying bedtime are the quickest ways to push your baby into screaming meemies and poor sleep. This is especially the case for infants who are passionately curious. They blink, rub their ears, and fight to stay awake to watch you talking or their big brother clowning around. If your baby is very young, don’t let them sleep in their car seat for more than 90 minutes. If you arrive home when they’ve dozed off in there, transfer them over to a Moses basket. Babies often wake during the night to feed, especially during the first 6 months of life. Even after a baby sleeps through the night, they may occasionally get hungry and wake up. Kids usually don’t just outgrow their sleep struggles. These troubles typically persist until you do something to bring them under control. So if you’ve been waiting patiently and your child’s sleep still isn’t shaping up then it’s time to make a new plan.
If you’re desperate for a longer stretch of sleep at night, you could try ‘dream feeding’. So instead of waiting for your baby to wake you when they’re hungry, you feed them before you go to sleep. Even if they’re half asleep, you’ll find that they should wake enough to feed, and then settle back to sleep. Once ready, start to practice putting your baby down at least drowsy or ideally awake so that they can develop their own sleep skills. Try offering comfort via stroking, patting and your voice. This can take time and practice, but it will help baby to connect their sleep cycles and wake less during the night. Sleep training is there as an option, if it feels right for your family. All babies are unique and have different sleep needs. The range of normal is quite wide. So even if your baby seems to sleep more than others, there is a good chance they are just a super sleeper. Some parents say sleep training has helped them and their baby both sleep better during the night. However the long-term effects of sleep training are not well researched. Some experts do have concerns about it and do not recommend doing it, particularly for babies under 12 months. There are multiple approaches to
ferber method and a sleep expert will help you choose one that is right for you and your family.
Stay Asleep Techniques
One of the most important elements of a good bedtime routine is that sleep happens at the same time every night. Before your little one was born, he lived in total darkness and became accustomed to snoozing the day away (since that’s when you were most active, lulling him to sleep with your movements) and kicking his heels up at night. Happily, his nocturnal ways are only temporary. To avoid loose bedding a sleeping bag for co-sleeping with baby would be advisable. You can choose different togs for different seasons to help keep your baby at the right temperature. You can also select different sizes depending on the age of your baby. It is important that the sleeping bag fits well around the shoulders so that your baby’s head does not slip down into the bag. Sleep is a developmental process, and our sleep needs change throughout our lifetimes. Babies’ sleep patterns mature over the first several years of life, and the sleep architecture of newborns is very different to that of adults. For the first six months your baby should be in the same room as you when they’re asleep, both day and night. Particularly in the early weeks, you may find your baby only falls asleep in your or your partner’s arms, or when you’re standing by the cot. A sleep consultant will take a holistic approach to create a sleeping system that you can manage and one which takes into account
sleep training as well as the needs of the baby and considerations of each family member.
There’s no badge of honor for powering through sleeplessness on your own. Whenever possible, accept help — or go ahead and ask for assistance from family and friends. Babies typically sleep in short spurts over a 24-hour period, so allowing others to assist you with watching, feeding, or changing the baby is critical. Even if all you can manage is a quick afternoon nap while a friend cares for your baby, every little bit helps you catch up on nighttime losses. From an emotional perspective your infant needs to be able to hold you in their mind even if you are not present – this is a complex skill and often does not appear until your child is at least 1-2 years Whilst it can be tempting to rock your baby to sleep, be prepared that this may be building up problems for the future. If your baby is used to you always being in the room when they fall asleep, they may find it difficult to fall back to sleep when they wake up during the night. For those times when you can get a quick snatch of sleep but aren’t quite feeling the urge, you may reach for medications to help you conk out faster. But be wary of reaching for meds flippantly, especially without the green light from your doctor. During his or her first weeks your baby will probably fall asleep at your breast every time he nurses (or with the bottle). Don’t worry about it. When he or she is a little bit older, at two months or so, you can feed your baby while still not too tired and then put a tired, full baby to bed half an hour later. The gentle approach and caring manner of a baby sleep expert allows them to assist you in the most preferable way to deal with
4 month sleep regression and to assist you and your family in any way possible.
Have Your Baby Sleep In Your Room
As babies grow, they often become more likely to wake when placed in their cot. Older infants and toddlers may even resist falling asleep because they know a parent will leave once they are asleep. Don’t use sleep positioners, like nests or anti-roll pillows. They can cause your baby to stop breathing. One common mistake parents make is not ensuring that they have their child’s bedroom ready before sleep training begins. Implementing these simple recommendations can even aid in achieving better-quality sleep from birth. While they aren’t a magic bullet to solve night wakings and short naps, having a sleep-conducive environment will ensure that once your child does learn to fall asleep unassisted, their sleep will last longer and be of better, more restorative quality. Overstimulation during the day can cause your baby to either sleep too little or sleep when they should be eating, due to exhaustion. Newborn babies need to be fed frequently to ensure proper development. For newborns, sleep during the early months occurs around the clock and the sleep-wake cycle is driven by the need to be fed, changed and given attention. Having a baby is a steep learning curve and aspects such as
gentle sleep training come along and shake things up just when you're not expecting them.
To go with a nighttime routine it makes sense to start making a day-time routine with your newborn. As your baby becomes a bit more predictable you can put some semblance to your day. Pillow use alone for babies has been shown to increase the chance of SIDS occurring by up to 2.5 times. If you were thinking of using a pillow with your baby due to concerns for plagiocephaly (or ‘flat head syndrome’). There are techniques you can use that could help plagiocephaly which will not increase the risk of SIDS. Swaddling your baby with a blanket or dressing him in a sleep sack will offer an extra dose of security — and may even help him sleep a little longer. Just be sure to stop swaddling by the time he's 3 or 4 months old, when he can roll over and wriggle out of his swaddle or blanket. A second-hand mattress could increase the risk of SIDS, so it’s usually safer to buy a new one. The Lullaby Trust advises that mattresses should be firm, flat and protected by a waterproof cover. You might also want to consider an organic cotton sheet, as it won’t have been treated with harmful chemicals that could irritate your little one’s skin. Many sleep researchers consider sleeping through the night to mean 5 hours in a row and not the 7 until 7 that the thousands of parenting books will have you believe! A sleep expert will be with you every step of the way, guiding you on how best to find a solution to your sleep concerns, whether its
sleep regression or one of an untold number of other things.
Getting Baby To Nap Longer
You could try rocking your baby or walking around with them. If this doesn’t work you may want to try taking them out in the pram or out in the car to help her get to sleep. The motion will usually help your baby drift off and can be a great technique especially to help your baby nap during the daytime. Baby should wear what you have to bed on to be comfortable, plus one layer. If baby feels cold then they should have more clothes on. If they’re sweating, they may be over-bundled. A nightcap fills your baby's tank before the night ahead. If he has any teeth, brush them (and wipe his gums) when you’re done. And if your baby tends to fall asleep during feedings, push up this part of the routine up to before the bath. You can find extra facts on the topic of Baby Sleep Consultants at this
NHS page.
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